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Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Day in the Life of IRONMAN Training as a Mom

A day in the life of IRONMAN training as a mom. Saturday 4/15/17:

6am wake up
  • Coffee
  • Clean kitchen
  • Clean living room
  • It's 37 degrees out. 
  • Decide to workout later in day after it warms up
  • Bo wakes up
  • Feed kids
  • Get them ready to go outside
  • Rake yard
  • Hubby goes to workout
  • Clean up yard
  • Watch kids ride bikes
  • Feed them again
  • Put on the TV
  • Husband gets home from his workout
  • Finish serving kids lunch
  • Temps hit 65
  • Get ready to ride
  • Ride for 3 hours
  • 8 minute transition to run
  • Grab a bite of a left over burrito
  • Chug some Gatorade
  • 36 minute run
  • Done with brick!
  • Kids are outside riding bikes again with dad
  • Shove leftover burritos down the hatch
  • Shower
  • Make snack for kids
  • Settle them down with a show
  • Clean kitchen and living room, again
  • Make Easter egg baskets
  • Eat a second dinner
  • Change sheets on the bed
  • Hold Bo and get him settled with more food

  • Write blog
  • Get kids down for bed
  • Watch TV

  • Bed

Follow my journey to IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant here: @roadtoironmom

Friday, April 14, 2017

Should I back out of IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant 2017?

Should I back out of IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant 2017?

All winter I whined about biking because it was too cold and I didn't want to ride on an indoor trainer. I did spin class twice a week but didn't get in the long rides. Now that the weather is tolerable (over 50 degrees in Boston) I'm still dreading the bike. I've been filled with dread, worry, and fear about not getting in the long rides and the stress is consuming me. I'm not hitting the right volumes, but worse - I'm not sure I really want to?

I'm questioning - do I have the desire to do this? Do I even enjoy biking long distances anymore? Is the juice worth the squeeze (as my friend put it)? I keep talking about the bike because it's the weakest of my three sports and also the longest portion of the race. I know that if I can get strong on the bike then I'll be in a good spot to do the race.

I put a note into my coach and his response of "IMMT seems to be in the cards for you, but not your "life" right now. A happy life, is a happy you....when life isn't happy, then you aren't happy...and then you enter into the dark side of IRONMAN....and that side of IRONMAN, not pretty or healthy for you and your circle." really got me thinking about my options:
  1. Worst case scenario, I back out of race. I lose the dream and all costs incurred but regain my sanity ($700 race fee, $4,500 in bike and parts, ~$2K for coaching, $149/month for spin class, $40/month for masters swim class, new biking kits >$600, etc.) This would be a bummer.
  2. Show up to race day unprepared. Complete the swim and do as much of the race as I can handle (Not a terrible option).
  3. See how I fare at Patriot 70.3 in June. This will be a really interesting indicator on how well positioned I am to keep going.
  4. Man up and attempt to complete the volume. Fight the weekend guilt of being away for 5 hours at a clip. Get tougher about doing the work both physically and mentally.
Below is an example of my training week of April 10th. While this is under the volume I should be hitting, the real question that my coach addresses below is that if I'm feeling the squeeze now, then is shooting for an IM this year worth it?

Monday: 30 min swim, 45 min spin class
Tuesday: 30 min run, 45 min spin class
Wed: Day off
Thurs: Day off
I intend to do for the next few days:
Friday: masters swim, 1 hour run
Sat: 1 hour run
Sunday: 2-3 hour bike and 30 min run

I asked my coach, can I train 5 days a week? Is what I'm doing enough?

Here was his response:
"Here is the deal with IM, it isn't about the number of days, but volume covered. So yes, you can train for 5 days a week and do an IM, but those 5 days have to reach a workload that will allow you to cover the distance. Volume for racing, is dictated by what is called Critical Volume....the volume needed for endurance to not be a limitation on race day. For an IM, CV is 12,000 yds, of swimming, 300 miles of biking, 66 miles of running....that is the average of your peak weeks (not sustainable volumes)....so we build seasons to peak for two weeks, and those numbers would dictate performance (from an endurance standpoint) on race day. CV for an IM is pretty much impossible if you are not a pro...it would take over 30 hours per week to cover those distances. That doesn't happen for 99.9% of the folks that toe the line at Ironmans. 90% of athletes will pace like they have covered CV, and will end up walking most of the marathon. So we pace folks based on what they have for volume, so they don't overshoot their endurance account and can have strong races.
Minimum for an Ironman, is 2/3 CV....so 8000 yds swimming, 200 biking, 45 running. The training schedule built upon your logistical constraints provided by you, will not meet the 2/3 CV for IMMT. Since we are not even close to those numbers yet, and you are feeling the squeeze, that is concerning. What does not meeting 2/3 CV look like on race day...you will dance in/out of possibly missing the cutoff times, the swim cutoff time is manageable, but the bike cutoff time will be close. Straight up, you will walk most of the marathon and will dance with the cutoff time for the day 17:00. The statements above, are made, with me not "knowing" you....so don't take it personally....you may know things about how you perform better than I. But if we are having the discussion about what is required "on paper" to do an IM...the paper is showing it is possibly "doable", but it will be damn close.
Now we get to the "feeling the vice" of training in April, and it adds another layer to my concerns mentioned above for you to have a successful day at IMMT. The dark side of Ironman training, which is nothing folks talk about, or post on social media, is that it brings your life to its knees. You'll see posts on how great training is going, but you'll never see posts about how that great training is stressing every aspect of your life, and everyone around you that loves you. Your circle, has to be ready to Ironman train....so you can. I always have this conversation with folks.....I don't care if YOU are ready, I care if your LIFE is ready. I will warn folks about certain weeks...especially peak weeks....that this time, is all about you/training....and get your life and love ones on board because mommy is going to not be around. Ironman is a decision for everyone that supports the athletes decision to take on the 6 month challenge. YOU deciding to do an Ironman, and everyone else deciding is very different. So you might be getting this feeling of "yeah, I signed up for this....but damn, my kids didn't sign up for this...they just want their Mom" I don't know the age of your kids...but I would say, if they are under 10....it is going to be TOUGH...since the understanding isn't quite there for them to "get it".
So, if you were to corner me for a decision...from the very little I know about "you"....I would say to not to IMMT...do tri, do HIM's, relish in the sport and get better....get some training cycles in you, and you'll learn more about how to fit training into your life's logistics. If you decide to do it, the volume has to be covered to ensure you meet the cutoff times...even then, it will be close (that is with no knowledge of performance numbers from you). IMMT seems to be in the cards for you, but not your "life" right now. A happy life, is a happy you....when life isn't happy, then you aren't happy...and then you enter into the dark side of Ironman....and that side of Ironman, not pretty or healthy for you and your circle.
Below is the link to the article about Critical Volume. http://www.qt2systems.com/tips/
Let me know if you have any questions."

I happened to read this email around 1:30am. Deep breathe.

Let's give this a little levity. I'm part of a group on Facebook that is absolutely hilarious, called Pathetic Triathletes Group. There are about 29,800 triathletes in the group and they make me laugh daily.

I posed the question yesterday, What time range are you targeting to finish your IRONMAN? I was happily surprised to see that the majority of people are shooting to complete the event in over 14 hours (same as me)...in fact 82 people claimed to be in that range!! That made me feel not along and gives me a little perspective on all of this. I follow a lot of really excellent athletes and their abilities far exceed my own so seeing people who are just like me trying to do something outrageous is comforting.

Check out this poll:

One person responded "If I hit anything less than 16.59:59 then I over trained."

That makes me smile :-)

What next? For now, I'm going to attempt to hit the right volumes and see if I can ramp this thing up. I do feel confident that I can complete the 70.3 in June so I'm going to focus on getting myself to that point. I'll keep you posted on what I do from there!

Follow my journey to IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant here: @roadtoironmom

Monday, April 10, 2017

IRONMAN Mexican Meal Plan

I was so thrilled with my first meal prep experience that I decided to go for it again. For this round, I selected a Mexican themed menu of 1800-2100 calories per day. Having gone grocery shopping on Sunday (total cost $116) I was ready to rock out a couple of meals tonight after work.

I'm loving how easy these recipes are and that it's teaching me new recipes and showing me how to properly serve portions. My goal is to continue to learn new recipes so that I can eventually create my own meal plan.

But first, a sober cocktail! Soda water & ruby red:

Side note, cheers to celebrating ONE YEAR SOBER this past weekend on April 8th. It was such an emotionally awesome day. It started with finding long course at the pool, like it was setup fortuitously for me to enjoy. Then I got to workout with the woman who changed the way I think about health and fitness, the one and only @autumncalabrese, and celebrated withTeam Beachbody - the entity that encouraged me to take the first step with this journey, to be the best version of myself, and to KEEP GOING. 

Here I am on my one year sober-versity with my two boys, Jack and Bo:

Back to the Mex menu - First step was to make a rub for salmon and steak. I LOVE that I only had to make one rub and could use it twice.

Then I made a mango salad (to which I had no mangoes and substituted with strawberries). The portions were 1 cup of dark greens, 1/3 cup of the mango salad, and 3 oz of protein.

Tonight's dinner:

Perfectly portioned meals:

 Hmm, was this on the meal plan? :-)

My next health and fitness group begins April 24th and I would LOVE ❤️to have you join us!!

  • learn how to meal prep
  • workout for 30 min a day 
  • learn portion control 
  • weekly contests for extra motivation
  • boost daily nutrition with a superfoods shake

*All levels welcome. Best for people who want to lose 7-12 pounds in 21 days. If you're interested, shoot me a message on FB here.

Follow my journey to IRONMAN Mont Tremblant here: @roadtoironmom

Friday, April 7, 2017

Day 2 IRONMAN meal plan

I'm even more excited about this meal plan today than I was yesterday. It took me about 3 hours including grocery shopping to make the meals for all 5 days. Especially on days when I'm working from home it's so much easier to grab and go then to make meals - so right now I'm really pumped that I took the time do prep.

Because this meal plan involved no cooking and lots of raw veggies, I thought that it was going to be a little hard to eat (too much salad) but surprisingly I really enjoyed the meals yesterday.

Here's another cool thing, because there was a full grocery list there was very little waste from what I bought and used compared to what I didn't use. I always say - it's not expensive to eat healthy, it's expensive when we don't eat what we buy.

Here's what's on the plan for today:

Breakfast M/W/F: Coconut Mango Chia Pudding
Shakeology Snack M/W/F: Blueberry Spinach Shakeology
Lunch M/W/F: Tuna and White Bean Salad
Snack M/W/F: Hardboiled Eggs, Apple with Nut Butter
Dinner M/W/F: Black Beans and Rice with Veggies

Full 5-day meal plan here.

Follow my journey to IRONMAN Mont Tremblant here: @roadtoironmom

Thursday, April 6, 2017

IRONMAN Meal Prep 1500-1800 Calories

You may be wondering "why is she putting so much effort into meal prep when she's burning so many calories through training?" 

Good question. 

Ironically, it has been much harder to eat healthy and maintain my weight since beginning IRONMAN training. That, and I'm burning surprisingly fewer calories then you might expect. Doing 30 minute high intensity training (like my Beachbody video workouts) is actually a lot more effective for burning calories than long slow cardio, which is the definition of IRONMAN training. 

About 20 weeks out from the race, I'm not even at a super high volume yet but my appetite thinks I am. It's no secret that I do not enjoy cooking -- so especially when I get tired I spend even less time preparing healthy food. Inevitably, I reach for when is pre-made (enter snickers bars, cupcakes, you name it). 

If I'm not careful then I could easily gain weight during this process. My race day goal weight is about 125, and I'm around 132 now. Even if I lose a fraction of a pound each week then I'll be on track. So - how am I going to do that? Well, I originally lost weight by following Beachbody's 21 Day Fix which includes a portion control meal plan. I'm going to follow that again but simply choose a meal plan with more calories.

Here's the meal plan of 1500-1800 calories that I selected. I know there's someone out there reading this and thinking - "she's eating way to few calories." The reality is, I need a foundation for my day and this plan provides that. Plus there is nothing saying that I can't add food if this is not enough. Did someone say chocolate? Kidding, not kidding.

Here's the menu, created by Beachbody: 

Breakfast M/W/F: Coconut Mango Chia Pudding
Breakfast T/Th: Overnight Oats with Strawberries and Hemp Seeds
Shakeology Snack M/W/F: Blueberry Spinach Shakeology
Shakeology Snack T/Th: Peach and Nut Butter Shakeology
Lunch M/W/F: Tuna and White Bean Salad
Lunch T/Th: Greek Chicken Salad
Snack M/W/F: Hardboiled Eggs, Apple with Nut Butter
Snack T/Th: Greek Yogurt with Berries
Dinner M/W/F: Black Beans and Rice with Veggies
Dinner T/Th: Shrimp and Veggie Rice Bowl

The entire prep from going grocery shopping, driving home, unpacking, cleaning the kitchen, putting away the dishes, preparing every meal, cleaning up, and taking a picture... took about 3 hours. The cost of the food was about $140; plus my Shakeology (dense superfoods shake) which is about $4 a day. 

But first, I had to have coffee and my Shakeology :-) Below is 1 scoop of Vanilla Shakeology, 1/2 frozen banana, ice, water, and peanut butter blended with cocoa powder garnish. Delish!


I was surprised at how easy and fast it was to do the grocery shopping. When you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the directions, there's actually a full page grocery list. Hello game changer!! Here's a pic of my cart when I was finished (plus a few extra items for my kiddies).

The meal prep that I chose is one that involves no cooking. I was happy to see my favorite breakfast included, chia seed pudding.

This was a nifty salad that included beans and cilantro.

Here's my prep in full glory - meals for 5 days!

Overall, I would highly recommend this to anyone. There's something very comforting knowing exactly how much to eat to get the nutrients needed and not too much or too little food.

By the way, if you're wondering what I train with - it's Gatorade and Hammer gels.

Yes, there are healthier alternatives out there to Gatorade, like Beachbody's Hydrate, but the reality is that Gatorade will be on the course so that is what I am training with. For any workout over an hour I will use these products. For every hour I'll have one bottle of Gatorade, and for every 45 min I'll have 1 gel.

Follow my journey to IRONMAN Mont Tremblant here: @roadtoironmom

Monday, April 3, 2017

IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant: 20 Weeks to Race Day

Woa, are there only 20 weeks until IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant? 

Even though this race is at the end of summer, it's still an "early" race for me since I live in New England. It's only just warm enough (the first week in April) to ride outside. Even though I've been spinning and lifting throughout the winter, I need to ramp up my biking ASAP to capture the miles needed.

I know from my first IRONMAN (Arizona in 2010) that I need to get stronger on the bike. I'm not sure if there's any way to avoid having my legs feel shredded to pieces after the race, but I am putting in a lot more work with lifting and plyo to build power in my legs. 

On Saturday I did a ton of squats and my favorite leg day moves from 21 Day Fix, T25, and Brazilian Butt Lift. 

On Sunday I did masters swim and a 20 mile bike ride. 

That lift/bike combo completely crushed my legs and I could barely walk all day on Monday. Here's what my coach QT2 said when I asked if I should workout today:

Soreness is discomfort that goes away as the workout progresses....pain, is discomfort that gets worse over the course of a workout. As soreness goes away, form is not compromised....so you carry on.....as pain increases, form will get worse, and you will get injured....so you don't workout when in pain at a level of 3 or above on a 1-10 point pain scale....or if you are sick, below 85% health.

Welp, I'll break it to you -- I rated my pain at a level 4 and I took the day off! Here's why - the point is to build muscle right? If so, I broke it down and now I have to heal. However, I often wonder if the point is to learn how to manage pain. If that is the goal, then I should have spun it out today.

Up until this point I've been totally freaking out about this endeavor. I referred to the process as a "sacrifice," and my friend kindly asked "is the juice worth the squeeze?" The answer is - I don't know! This is a completely crazy and insane thing for me to try to do. I've definitely been putting in my fair share of worry over it, and probably for good reason. But, I'm going for it anyway.

It's natural for people to want to push themselves. This, is a really just a test for me to see what is possible after having two boys (who are now 3 and 4, Jack in the pic below).

I've been modifying my QT2 program quite a bit just to accommodate our crazy weather. Here's what I'm planning to do this week:

Week 20 Training
Sunday: masters swim & 20 mile bike ride
Monday: day off
Tuesday: 45 min spin & 35 min run
Wed: 1 hour masters swim & massage
Thurs: run (not sure how long... will probably ask for advice to QT2)
Friday: forecast is 51 degrees and cloudy so I'll shoot for a 2 hour ride and 30 min run. My program calls for a 3 hour ride but I have to be realistic... am I really going to last out there if it's only 50 degrees? It's warmer than it has been... but it's not that warm.
Saturday: I'm going to Boston's Supa Saturday with Beachbody so I'll likely get a 30 min HIIT workout. I may need to find a way to run in the afternoon.

Week 19 Training (will likely modify this)
Sunday: 1 hour masters swim
Monday: 45 min spin class & 45 min run
Tuesday: swim & spin class
Wed: 1 hour bike & 1 hour run
Thurs: swim
Fri: 3:10 bike & 30 min run
Sat: 1:10 bike & 1:15 tabata run
Sunday: 1 hour masters swim

Generally, I am looking at April and May as my bike ramp up months. I need to get outside each weekend and build from the 20 that I did this past weekend to 60. From June to July I will ramp from 60 to 100. I'll add in a few races including Patriot on June 17th and Fork to Farm Fondo VT July 16th. I know that is a big ramp and probably not smart... but it's my reality since I was allergic to the bike trainer this winter.

That's all for now folks!! Will keep posting my training and progress! For daily updates follow me @roadtoironman