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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Must-Have Baby Items

Must-have baby items
·        rock n play - baby sleeps in this and it's super light weight so you can carry it and the baby into whatever room you're in.
·         swing or bouncy chair - when you want to be hands-free, this is essential.
·         jumper – yes, another place to put the baby. When you want to accomplish other things like cooking, going to the bathroom, cleaning etc, then you’re going to want to be able to put the baby down.
·         pacifiers – buy 5 +. they get spread out all over the house like chapstick.
·         changing table setup - table, mattress pad, sheet.
·         boppy pad liners – these go over changing pad sheet. When it gets dirty you can just wash this instead of sheet.
·         diapers - only 1 package of newborns, otherwise size 1.
·         vaseline - essential if you have a boy and he gets circumcised.
·         wipes or square gauze - they'll give you gauze at hospital which is useful for dipping in water to clean off the baby.
·         no newborn outfits, start with 3 months – companies make these items to be obsolete, they shrink when you wash them. After the baby is 8 pounds they won't fit anymore.
·         boppy pillow - for nursing and for sitting baby in.
·         breast friend pillow – it straps on which is nice. Having both boppy and breast friend is handy when nursing (mostly in the beginning when the baby is really small… after a while mom will find different ways to hold the baby and won’t need these anymore).
·         nursing bras and zip up outer shirts - versus shirts that pull over the head. These are so much easier to use when nursing and you don’t have to pull your shirt up. In regard to sizing, keep in mind mom’s boobs will get even bigger after her milk comes in.
·         medela pump bra – the plastic pieces fit into this bra so that mom can pump hands free.
·         receiving blankets – take a few from the hospital!
·         baby outfits - zip up outfits or button ups are so much easier to put on then onesies that pull over the head. Short sleeve onesies are best because you can put these on and a long sleeve zip up over it.
·         socks – these double as gloves. You won’t need shoes for a while.
·         car seat with one extra base (for second car) - if the car seat doesn't come with extra padding around the head, get an add on baby head cushion so head stays steady in moving car.
·         snap and go - much lighter weight and smaller than stroller. Great for grocery shopping, quick trips into a store when baby is little.
·         bundle-me - sleeping bag to go in car seat during winter months.
·         stroller – we like the city mini but there are a ton of choices.
·         bottles with slow drip nipple – buy at least 6 and get the 8 oz bottles rather than the smaller ones because the baby will be eating 6+ ounces as early as a couple of months.
·         baby k'tan - great sling for mom to hold baby close to body. It doesn’t last long because the baby will outgrow it but it’s really nice to have in the beginning.
·         baby bjorn/ergo or other carrier - great for dad to hold baby in and lasts longer because you can face baby outwards.
·         baby tub
·         baby wash cloths and baby towels – having a bunch of wash cloths is nice because you’ll use two for every bath (one warm one to put over their belly and one for washing).
·         thermometer for measuring bathwater temperature or a tub that has one built in. We have the aquatub which has a thermometer built in, which was great in the beginning but it broke pretty much immediately when it got water into the UI. The right temp is ~95 degrees.
·         sophie the giraffe - we haven't used this yet but everyone says it's a must have when they start teething.
·         baby books
·         crib, mattress, sheets – if you have the rock n play then the baby won't need a crib for a few months.
·         night lights and lamp dimmers for night-time feedings – this is essential!! You do not want to wake up the baby any more than to feed at night so it’s easier to put him/her back down.
·         baby clothes hamper – when the baby’s clothes are wet with pee or other then you don’t want them mixing with your clothes!
·         play gym – this is a mat with some toys hanging over it. You can lay the baby down and he/she can reach up towards the toys and stay entertained for a bit.

Good books for mom and dad
·         Dude, you're gonna be a dad
·         Babywise (don't read until after delivery. talks about how to get baby on a schedule and to sleep through night – and it works!)

Don't buy:
·         nipple cream (they'll give you prescription grade at hospital)
·         breast milk pump (don't buy one - you can get this free through insurance. they'll give you the info at the hospital and the company will ship it to your door within days after delivery)
·         bottle sanitizer – you can wash them in the dishwasher
·         monitor – this really depends on your house. We don’t need one because we live on a single floor and we can hear the baby anywhere. If I had a larger house I would get one with a visual monitor, mainly to make sure blankets don’t go over the baby’s head.

Lastly - a bottle of wine and a big hug :-)