And reading about you.... I picked up a book written by a Doula which provides insights on the actual birthing process. It's giving me a lot to think about. Some of the topics that it has me pondering are getting a walking epidural, squatting the baby out or using a birthing position that leverages gravity, laboring down and lubricant. And no - I had no idea any of those things were topics of birthing before reading this book.
The book implies that women in labor don't get the attention or emotional support that they need at a typical hospital - that is without the assistance of a doula or a midwife. I suppose that I can believe that given that nurses and doctors may be constantly checking on you but not sitting by your side the whole time. It's an appealing concept to have a doula there to talk you through the event and to suggest different positions to relieve pain or help with things like "laboring down" - which is the natural process of the baby lowering into the ready position.
The book also implies that more drugs and surgical procedures are used without the presence of a doula. In general I'd rather use smaller doses of drugs and avoid having a c-section, if possible. Friends tell me that even when they can't feel a thing after having an epidural that they can still push. If I can handle the pain then I'd like to feel something - so that I feel more in control and involved in the process and to avoid the potential side affects of lowering blood flow to the baby.
There's so much more to learn about all of these topics and so much more to discuss. Luckily I have Pat and I'll be relying on him heavily throughout the process. Of course, neither one of us know much about what's going on but doing it together is pretty awesome!
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